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  • Crawford Temple

In Case You Missed It - Professional Passport's February News Round-Up

As the call for evidence on the umbrella company market closed, February saw a range of continued developments across the sector for payment intermediaries, such as the Pimlico Plumbers ruling, updates on the NI rise, and comments on IR35 reforms.

In case you missed it, here’s your quickfire round-up of updates from Professional Passport, and from our CEO, Crawford Temple, on a range of industry and wider sector news.

Staffing Industry News

The Pimlico Plumbers ruling means that withholding holiday pay from umbrella workers that is theirs can now no longer happen in law and they will be able to claim what is rightfully owed to them:

Freelance Informer

A ruling just out in the case of Smith v Pimlico Plumbers is a result for umbrella workers who can now claim any holiday pay that is due to them. Those providers that have failed to meet the required standards could see themselves exposed to class action claims from workers who have lost significant levels of holiday pay:

Global Recruiter

Crawford Temple explains how the NI rise due to take effect in April will affect recruiters and their umbrella workers:

Computer Weekly

Crawford Temple has told Computer Weekly that this latest ruling in the case of Smith v Pimlico Plumbers now sets required standards around holiday pay which should ultimately protect umbrella workers, which is good news:

Working Mums

Crawford Temple explains what the NI tax hike in April will mean for contractors working through an umbrella company:

Computer Weekly

The House of Lords has published its report on Off-payroll and Crawford Temple has backed the sub-committee’s findings saying the IR35 reforms have created a “perfect storm” that allows “tax avoidance and disguised remuneration schemes to thrive”:

Personnel Today

As the Lords published its report on IR35, Crawford Temple told Personnel Today that a lack of any visible and proactive enforcement has allowed the promoters of disguised remuneration schemes to thrive:

HR Magazine

Crawford Temple tells HR Magazine that whilst HMRC has tended to pursue contractors to recover unpaid taxes, it is also end-employers’ responsibility to ensure that PAYE is applied properly so employers need to be on their guard:

To stay up to date with the latest news and insights from Professional Passport, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, and If you're looking to work with a provider that’s earned a legitimate seal of approval, head to the Professional PassportApproved Providers list.

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